Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2014

Floor Speech

Date: July 24, 2013
Location: Washington, DC


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Mr. KEATING. Madam Chair, I would like to thank my colleague, Ms. SPEIER for offering this amendment. Frequently, sexual-assault victims in the military are referred to Uniformed mental-health experts. From there, they are all too often subsequently diagnosed with ``personality disorders'' and separated from the military. While the military is making some positive steps to correct the improper processes surrounding sexual assault cases, it is impossible to know how many veterans of the military have disputed their personality disorder discharges and it is even more difficult to know how many victims of sexual assault did not come forward in fear of being labeled or scapegoated. Instead of sweeping these crimes under the rug, this amendment will review these cases and identify individuals that were improperly separated from the military subsequent to reporting a sexual assault and correct their record. I urge support for this important way forward in addressing sexual crimes.

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Mr. KEATING. Madam Chair, I would like to thank my colleague, Ms. SPEIER for offering this amendment. While many protections for victims of sexual violence have recently been put in place across our Armed Forces, a review by the IG of military sexual assault cases revealed that over three-quarters (83%) of the 501 investigations conducted, were not properly investigated, and had significant deficiencies, such as a failure to collect key evidence; incomplete interviews; and only partial crime scene investigations. As a former District Attorney, I was stunned by these findings. I have worked to protect victims of abuse and violence throughout my career and know that such sloppy investigative work will only cause further injury to victims and their families. To add insult to injury, these victims are the very men and women who have devoted their lives to the lives of others. With this amendment, we will be returning the favor of their commitment to our country's security and ensure additional funding and training to close the harmful loops that exist in the military's investigative processes related to sexual assaults. This amendment is a vital step towards ensuring an environment where there is justice for all victims. I urge support of our amendment.

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